Welcome to the Stick It Girl Blog where you'll find 100s of articles on mental training in gymnastics. Perfect for competitive gymnasts, their parents, and coaches.
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Stick It Girl Blog - Mental Training Tips For Gymnasts & Their Parents

Help! My Gymnast Needs This Skill To Level Up (...
Is time running out for your gymnast to get a skill? Find out how to support her during this time.
Help! My Gymnast Needs This Skill To Level Up (...
Is time running out for your gymnast to get a skill? Find out how to support her during this time.

5 Tips For Getting Through Tough Days In Gymnas...
Getting through the tough days in gymnastics can be hard! Find out some tips for how to make it through.
5 Tips For Getting Through Tough Days In Gymnas...
Getting through the tough days in gymnastics can be hard! Find out some tips for how to make it through.

3 Ways To Help Your Gymnast Stay Positive Durin...
Upgrade season can be a fun time of year. But it can also be a struggle for some gymnasts who aren't learning skills as fast as their teammates. Learn some...
3 Ways To Help Your Gymnast Stay Positive Durin...
Upgrade season can be a fun time of year. But it can also be a struggle for some gymnasts who aren't learning skills as fast as their teammates. Learn some...

Dear Gymnastics Mom...
Gymnastics moms, this blog is for you. Here are some things to remember as a gymnastics mom.
Dear Gymnastics Mom...
Gymnastics moms, this blog is for you. Here are some things to remember as a gymnastics mom.

Gymnastics End-Of-Season Review
Now that competition season is over, it's time to review your season and look for valuable clues to help you do better next season. Free download.
Gymnastics End-Of-Season Review
Now that competition season is over, it's time to review your season and look for valuable clues to help you do better next season. Free download.

How To Navigate the Social Media Game with Your...
Are you torn over social media and its effects on your gymnast's self-esteem? Here are some tips for how to navigate through this tricky scenario.
How To Navigate the Social Media Game with Your...
Are you torn over social media and its effects on your gymnast's self-esteem? Here are some tips for how to navigate through this tricky scenario.

How To Help Your Gymnast Be Less Tough On Herself
Is your gymnast really hard on herself? Find out what you can do to help her.
How To Help Your Gymnast Be Less Tough On Herself
Is your gymnast really hard on herself? Find out what you can do to help her.

Pre-Competition Skill "Loss" in Gymnastics
Does your gymnast tend to lose skills right before meets? Find out why this is and what you can do to help her.
Pre-Competition Skill "Loss" in Gymnastics
Does your gymnast tend to lose skills right before meets? Find out why this is and what you can do to help her.

Help! My Gymnast Isn't Motivated
Does it seem like your gymnast is not motivated? Find out why that might be.
Help! My Gymnast Isn't Motivated
Does it seem like your gymnast is not motivated? Find out why that might be.

Help! My Gymnast Is Suddenly Afraid to Jump to ...
Do you have a gymnast who is suddenly afraid of jumping from low bar to high bar? Find out some tips for how to help her.
Help! My Gymnast Is Suddenly Afraid to Jump to ...
Do you have a gymnast who is suddenly afraid of jumping from low bar to high bar? Find out some tips for how to help her.

Competing with Trust at Gymnastics Meets
Learn tips for how to compete with trust at your gymnastics meets.
Competing with Trust at Gymnastics Meets
Learn tips for how to compete with trust at your gymnastics meets.

How To Have Your Best Gymnastics State Meet
Here are some tips for how to have your best gymnastics State meet.
How To Have Your Best Gymnastics State Meet
Here are some tips for how to have your best gymnastics State meet.

When You Don't Qualify For Your Gymnastics Stat...
It can be really disappointing when you try to qualify for States (or other big meets) and don't do it. Here are some tips for how to handle this.
When You Don't Qualify For Your Gymnastics Stat...
It can be really disappointing when you try to qualify for States (or other big meets) and don't do it. Here are some tips for how to handle this.

Help! My Gymnast Keeps Losing Skills Right Befo...
Does your gymnast keep losing skills right before she competes? Here's why.
Help! My Gymnast Keeps Losing Skills Right Befo...
Does your gymnast keep losing skills right before she competes? Here's why.

What To Say or Do Before, During, And After You...
Every wonder what to say or do before, during, and after your gymnast's meet? Check out these tips to help your gymnast compete her best.
What To Say or Do Before, During, And After You...
Every wonder what to say or do before, during, and after your gymnast's meet? Check out these tips to help your gymnast compete her best.

How To Help Your Gymnast Be Less Negative
Is your gymnast negative all the time? Here are some tips for how to help her be less negative.
How To Help Your Gymnast Be Less Negative
Is your gymnast negative all the time? Here are some tips for how to help her be less negative.

How To Support Your Gymnast Through Her Struggl...
Is your gymnast going through a struggle and you wonder how to help her? Find out some tips.
How To Support Your Gymnast Through Her Struggl...
Is your gymnast going through a struggle and you wonder how to help her? Find out some tips.

How To Respond To Your Gymnast After She's Had ...
Bad meets happen. Learn how to respond to your gymnast after she's had a bad meet.
How To Respond To Your Gymnast After She's Had ...
Bad meets happen. Learn how to respond to your gymnast after she's had a bad meet.

When Your Gymnast Wants to Quit Because Of a Me...
Is your gymnast going through a mental block and now wants to quit gymnastics? Find out why this is and some tips for how to handle it.
When Your Gymnast Wants to Quit Because Of a Me...
Is your gymnast going through a mental block and now wants to quit gymnastics? Find out why this is and some tips for how to handle it.

Gymnastics Vision Board Contest 2023
Participate in Stick It Girl's Gymnastics Vision Board Contest for a chance at a grand prize! All entrants will also get a chance to join a group Zoom call with...
Gymnastics Vision Board Contest 2023
Participate in Stick It Girl's Gymnastics Vision Board Contest for a chance at a grand prize! All entrants will also get a chance to join a group Zoom call with...